Monaco Yacht Show 2022

Last week the Global Wine Solutions team assembled for the Monaco Yacht Show 2022 #MYS2022.

The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the tenders were buzzing, and the wine was flowing all over Port Hercules. The GWS Team’s main objective was to support our key clients with a successful show and make sure all their clients were well watered with a fine selection of white, rose, red wine, and of course, Champagne. It was interesting to witness the popular wines choices at this year’s show, featuring traditional yachting favourites, such as AIX on the Sunseeker stand, Minuty on the buzzing Burgess pontoon, along with some new and exciting players, such as MAÏA Provence Rosé.

GWS hit MYS 2022
Global Wine Solutions hit Monaco Yacht Show 2022

Champagne is obviously a staple of the Monaco Yacht Show but this year there was an interesting new English Sparking Wine on the scene; Libertine. Masters of Wine, John Atkinson, and our own, Liam Steevenson MW started the Libertine about 5-years ago, believing then that the best vineyard land in England would be in Essex, not the previously suspected Sussex and Kent because Essex is hotter, drier, and has the same clay soils as Pomerol in Bordeaux.

Libertine’s winemakers have worked with Danbury Ridge Wine Estate, who have just been named UK Wine producer of the Year. Libertine was poured at Monaco Yacht Show on board the back of superyachts and stood out for being proudly ‘British’ whilst at the same time alluding to the more hedonistic, and extravagant side of quality sparkling wine. The French were shocked to be so impressed with this new English Sparkling wine and there were rumblings of “Mutiny” on board (excuse the Rosé wine pun).

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